Leszek Możdżer

Leszek Możdżer is one of the most outstanding Polish jazz musicians.

He is a world-class pianist, a daring explorer, and an original artist, distinguished by his musical language. He has recorded albums with the most outstanding Polish jazz musicians: Tomasz Stańko, Janusz Muniak, Michał Urbaniak, Piotr Wojtasik, Adam Pierończyk, Henryk Miśkiewicz or Anna Maria Jopek.

Możdżer has also performed and recorded with international stars such as David Friesen, Pat Metheny, Arthur Blythe, Lester Bowie, David Gilmour, and Marcus Miller. The pianist finds himself most thoroughly at home in solo and solo trio projects with Lars Danielsson and Zohar Fresco. He has recorded over 100 albums, including many under his name. Since 2011, he has been the artistic director of an open-air festival on Lake Strzeszyńskie in Poznań – the Enter Music Festival.

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